ACCA考试科目F2把管理活动总结为三个词:planning, control and decision-making. 这里通过举例讲解一下Planningand control.小编再送一个考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频
1.Planning(关键词是objective/goal andstrategy)
(i) Establish the company’sgoal: increase profit by 20% in five years.
(ii) Identify alternativestrategies to achieve the goal:
Increase market sharethrough price promotion
Develop new products withhigher customer value (i.e. better price/quality mix)
Cost reduction
Acquisition ofcompetitors
(iii) Analyze the alternativesand make a choice, e.g. develop new products
(iv) State the expectedoutcomes towards the goal in the form of annual budget
2. Control (关键词是Compare)
(i) Obtain data about actualresults
(ii) Compare the actual withthe plan (e.g. with the profit stated in annual budget)
(iii) Take improvement actionsand/or revise the original plan 如果实际和计划有差异,可能是实际执行的问题,也可能是计划本身不合理。
Control必须以plan为前提条件,plan也会根据control的结果进行修正,所以planningand control构成了一个循环往复的系统。
3. Exercise:
Which of the following isan initial requirement of a management control system?
AEstablishing the standard to be achieved
BMeasuring the actual performance
CSetting organisational objectives
DTaking appropriate corrective action
Answer: C
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