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  • ACCA F8考题大胆预测,附最近4次考试F8考点汇总
    2017-06-05 | 考试资讯 阅读(142
  • 2017年6月ACCA F8 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A: Three mini-case style scenario based questions each with five 2 mark questions based on the scenario(total 30 marks).Each mini-c...
    2017-06-02 | 考试资讯 阅读(94
  • 6月ACCA考试备战计划,搞懂分析成功一半
    2017-06-02 | 考试资讯 阅读(59
  • 2017年6月ACCA F8 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Part A:MCQs will be from any syllabus area. Part B:Some of the frequently tested areas in the past were Ethics/Conflict of Interest/Confide...
    2017-06-01 | 考试资讯 阅读(50
  • 攻克2017年ACCA,掌握好的学习方法,事半功倍!
    2017-06-01 | 考试资讯 阅读(106
  • 2017年6月ACCA F7 Exam Tips bpp
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A: Fifteen 2 mark multiple choice questions on a wide range of topics including several on consolidation and interpretation of fina...
    2017-05-31 | 考试资讯 阅读(141
  • 想要快速通过ACCA考试,先搞懂这些重难点剖析!
    2017-05-31 | 考试资讯 阅读(166
  • 2017年6月ACCA F7 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! MCQs can come from any syllabus area. Consolidation of Financial Statements For the consolidation question you will benefit from having the...
    2017-05-27 | 考试资讯 阅读(83
  • 2017年6月ACCA P3考前冲刺必做题和热门考点(下)
    2017年6月ACCA和9月考试即将来临,小编特地邀请了高顿财经ACCA研究中心龚主任给大家做一场考前冲刺讲解,各位考生可要抓住这个好机会哦! 【热点4:St...
    2017-05-27 | 考试资讯 阅读(132
  • 2017年6月ACCA F6 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! In section A there will be a wide range of topics tested as the examiner has to set 15 OTs.We would expect at least a couple of these OTs t...
    2017-05-26 | 考试资讯 阅读(199
  • 如何轻松搞定ACCA P系列课程?P1-P5科目解析
    2017-05-26 | 考试资讯 阅读(100
  • ACCA考前如何调整?简单两点收收心
    2017-05-25 | 考试资讯 阅读(119
  • 2017年6月ACCA F5 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A(30%)Objective Test Question: 15 questions worth 2 marks each.This will examine all areas of the syllabus. Section B(30%)Objective...
    2017-05-24 | 考试资讯 阅读(199
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