• 全国热线:400-600-8011
  • 2017年6月ACCA P3 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Embed your knowledge on the core models from Johnson and Scholes(the examiner based this paper on their work). When answering questions,wri...
    2017-06-15 | 考试资讯 阅读(132
  • 2017年6月ACCA P2 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A: This will be a 50 mark compulsory case study including preparation statement of financial position and/or a group statement of p...
    2017-06-14 | 考试资讯 阅读(116
  • ACCA F3疑难杂症专场+名师经典题总结
    Tangible non-currentassets精选题目解析 An organisations asset register shows a carryingamount of$145,600.The non-current asset account is the nominal ledger shows acarrying amount of$135,600.The ...
    2017-06-13 | 考试资讯 阅读(75
  • ACCA全球官网学习资源怎么找?分分钟搜罗各种考试资料
    ACCA全球官网上有各种各样丰富的学习资源,帮助学员备考并成功通过考试,主要包括 Self-study guides自学指南 Exam support resources考试资源 Retake guides补考指南...
    2017-06-12 | 考试资讯 阅读(93
  • 2017年6月ACCA P2 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Do not ignore ethics it appears in every section A question and could have up 10 marks. Always apply your 5 standard workings when doing CS...
    2017-06-09 | 考试资讯 阅读(109
  • ACCA证书含金量如何?对职场有什么帮助?
    2017-06-09 | 考试资讯 阅读(132
  • 2017年6月ACCA P1 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A: One compulsory question worth 50 marks which uses a lengthy scenario,often based on real-life events,to test all three main syll...
    2017-06-08 | 考试资讯 阅读(74
  • ACCA P3热门考点,「押题王」带着秘密手写稿给你神助攻
    热点1:SWOT+TOWS+SAF+Porters generic 高顿重要提醒: SWOT有段时间没考了,大家都觉得SWOT很简单,但是如果碰到16分以上的大题目,SWOT的考题要拿满分要模型套模...
    2017-06-08 | 考试资讯 阅读(127
  • 2017年6月ACCA P1 Exam Tips Kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Kaplan Each P1 paper offers 4-6 marks for displaying professional skills,which can easily be the difference between a pass and a fail.The m...
    2017-06-07 | 考试资讯 阅读(177
  • ACCA考试科目如何搭配最合适?这样的组合+付出=100%成功
    2017-06-07 | 考试资讯 阅读(129
  • 2017年6月ACCA F9 Exam Tips BPP
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A: 15 multiple choice questions worth 2 marks each.The MCQs will largely be knowledge based and will balance out the questions in S...
    2017-06-06 | 考试资讯 阅读(189
  • 2017年度ACCA考试14科试卷结构分析
    要备考ACCA F5-F9阶段的小伙伴需要特别留意,高顿财经小编在此为大家做了一个ACCA试卷结构分析。 ACCA F1(机考) 考试科目:会计师与企业 考试时间:2 hou...
    2017-06-06 | 考试资讯 阅读(98
  • 2017年6月ACCA F9 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Part A:MCQs will be from any syllabus area. Part B:Some frequently tested areas in the past were NPV with Inflation and Taxation Cash opera...
    2017-06-05 | 考试资讯 阅读(97
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