Brian H Maskell(U.S)

时间:2012年11月13日 17:30
特聘课程顾问, ACCA,CIMA,CMA; President of BMA Inc., has more than 30 years experience in manufacturing and distribution industry. He has held a variety of management positions from the shop-floor of an electronics company to Manager of European Inventories for the Xerox Corporation to Vice President of Product Development and Customer Service of the Unitronix Corporation. Over the past fifteen years Mr. Maskell's consulting practice has taken him to many manufacturing and distribution companies in the United States, England, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Europe, and the Far East. He has assisted these companies in the implementation of advanced manufacturing techniques including lean and agile manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management, lean accounting, valuestream costing management, new performance measurement, process re-engineering, enterprise information systems, and total quality management. A sought-after speaker, Brian Maskell is the author of several books including; Practical Lean Accounting (2003), The Lean Business Management System (2007), Performance Measurement for World Class Manufacturing (1991), and Life’s Little Lean Accounting Instruction Book (2006). There is also the video presentation Lean Accounting (2004) from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Mr. Maskell's works address the needs of manufacturers as they move into the increasingly competitive 21st century. Mr. Maskell conducts seminars and workshops around the world on such subjects as Lean Accounting, Lean Business Management, Performance Measurement for World Class Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Cost Management, Target Costing, and Agile Manufacturing. Mr. Maskell has an engineering degree from the University of Sussex, England. He is certified with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) in London, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) and is a Fellow of the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS). He is the author of numerous articles and papers and regularly presents papers at national and international conferences, and teaches occasionally at Wharton Business School.




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