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  • 2017年3月ACCA P7 Exam Tips Open Tuition
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Section A 35 marker compulsory question 163 minutes this will probably involve responding to a partners email about a forthcoming audit cli...
    2017-05-02 | 考试资讯 阅读(171
  • acca f3中文教材哪里有
    2017-05-02 | 考试资讯 阅读(183
  • acca f2中文教材哪里有
    2017-05-02 | 考试资讯 阅读(164
  • 2017年3月ACCA P7 Exam Tips FTMS Global
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Likely to have a question on identifying business risks.(see Dec 2014 Q1a,Dec 2012 Q1a,Dec 2010 Q1a,June 2009 Q1a)Must learn to link busine...
    2017-04-28 | 考试资讯 阅读(190
  • 2017年3月ACCA P7 Exam Tips LSBF
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Audit risk,for a group. Extra information needed to assess those risks. Accounting matters and audit evidence. Ethics and prof issues inclu...
    2017-04-27 | 考试资讯 阅读(166
  • acca f1中文教材哪里有
    2017-04-27 | 考试资讯 阅读(56
  • 2017年3月ACCA P7 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Concentrate on the core areasthese are the ones that are regularly examined;your Kaplan tutor will help you to identify what they are.But y...
    2017-04-26 | 考试资讯 阅读(51
  • acca P7自学教材下载
    2017-04-26 | 考试资讯 阅读(134
  • acca p7题库哪里有
    从acca P7科目开始,acca官方开始提供历年真题供学生下载学习了,高顿教育为acca考生整理总结了P7的题目,考生们可以通过手机软件应用商店搜索acca题库下...
    2017-04-26 | 考试资讯 阅读(90
  • 2017年3月ACCA P6 Exam Tips LSBF
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! IHT with the death estate including BPR and APR and lifetime gifts gifts with reservation and relief for a fall in value. Domicile includin...
    2017-04-25 | 考试资讯 阅读(61
  • acca P6自学教材下载
    2017-04-25 | 考试资讯 阅读(154
  • acca p6题库哪里有
    从acca P5科目开始,acca官方开始提供历年真题供学生下载学习了,高顿教育为acca考生整理总结了P5的题目,考生们可以通过手机软件应用商店搜索acca题库下...
    2017-04-25 | 考试资讯 阅读(69
  • 2017年3月ACCA P6 Exam Tips kaplan
    立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Expect not to finish every question.When you run out of time for that question,stop and move on to the next.Not finishing a question is not...
    2017-04-24 | 考试资讯 阅读(192
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