• 全国热线:400-600-8011
acca f1题库哪里有
  • 2017年04月01日
  • 10:55
  • 作者:高顿财经
  • 来源:高顿财经
  • 阅读:(119)
  • 财务英语入门
  • 历年考题答案
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摘要:acca题库一直都是许多acca考生学习最需要的资料,通过反复的刷题能达到非常好的效果,那么acca题库哪里有? acca f1题库官方其实是没有的,但是高顿教育...
  acca f1题库官方其实是没有的,但是高顿教育为acca考生总结整理了acca f1题库,考生们可以通过手机软件应用商店搜索acca题库下载刷题,也可以下载acca历年真题。
  acca f1真题例题有哪些种类:
  1 Which of the following are substantive tests used in the context of external audit of financial accounts?
  A To establish whether a figure is correct
  B To investigate why a figure is incorrect
  C To assess whether a figure should be included
  D To determine why a figure is excluded
  2 The following are four styles of management identified by Blake and Mouton:
  2.Middle of the road
  3.Country club
  Which of the following are the most task efficient managerial styles as suggested by Blake and Mouton?
  A 1 and 3
  B 2 and 4
  C 1 and 4
  D 2 and 3
  3 In relation to the management of conflict,which of the following approaches will maximise the prospect of consensus?
  A Acceptance
  B Negotiation
  C Avoidance
  D Assertiveness
  4 Darragh has been appointed to the management team of a professional football club.His role includes coaching,mentoring and counselling young players who have just signed contracts with the club for the first time.
  The following are his main activities:
  1 Helping the young players to settle in during their first week
  2 Identifying each player's key skills and encouraging them to develop new skills
  3 Advising the players on addressing personal issues,such as managing their finances
  4 Helping the players to anticipate opponents'reactions
  Which of the following matches the correct role to carry out in each of the four activities?
  A 1.Mentor 2.Counsellor 3.Coach 4.Counsellor
  B 1.Mentor 2.Coach 3.Counsellor 4.Coach
  C 1.Mentor 2.Coach 3.Counsellor 4.Mentor
  D 1.Counsellor 2.Mentor 3.Coach 4.Counsellor
  5 According to Mendelow which group of stakeholders must companies keep satisfied?
  A Those with little power and little interest in the company
  B Those with a high level of power but little interest in the company
  C Those with little power but a high level of interest in the company
  D Those with a high level of power and a high level of interest in the company
  acca f1真题的重要性:

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