• 全国热线:400-600-8011
  • 2015年07月27日
  • 16:26
  • 作者:admin
  • 来源:未知
  • 阅读:(79)
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摘要:来自高顿财经ACCA官网消息,ACCA将开放一年四次考试窗口,2015年9月试行,以下为正式公告: In September 2015 ACCA will be offering an additional exam session in some of o...



In September 2015 ACCA will be offering an additional exam session in some of our key markets, which will be followed in 2016 by the introduction of four exam sessions a year across all of our markets, allowing you to take your exams in March, June, September and December


These four sessions will be available to all – not just those resitting – giving you much greater flexibility in how ACCA exams are studied for and taken. This is in direct response to your feedback asking for more flexibility in our exam schedule.


The first exam session in September 2015 will give you in some of our larger markets the opportunity to use this new session. This means around one-quarter of you can make use of this opportunity but, at the same time, we are acting on feedback from our education providers to avoid ‘big bang’ changes.


We’re delighted to say we can now confirm these markets. The following markets will be able to take exams in September 2015: UK, Ireland, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Mauritius, Zambia and Zimbabwe. As this is a limited roll out, exams will be available in the main cities only.


For the full list of cities where we are offering exams in this session, please see below.

Country Centre Name
Ireland Dublin
Ireland Cork
UK London
UK Glasgow
UK Belfast
UK Leeds
UK Aberdeen
UK Birmingham
UK Edinburgh
UK Cardiff
UK Newcastle
UK Dundee
UK Manchester
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City
Kenya Nairobi
Ghana Accra
Zambia Lusaka
Mauritius Mauritius
Uganda Kampala
Zimbabwe Harare
Nigeria Lagos
China Beijing
China Guangzhou
China Nanjing
China Shanghai
Malaysia Federal Territory
Malaysia Johor Bahru
Malaysia Kuching
Malaysia Pulau Pinang
Malaysia Selangor

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