• 全国热线:400-600-8011
  • 2016年06月30日
  • 10:57
  • 作者:高顿财经
  • 来源:高顿财经
  • 阅读:(143)
  • 财务英语入门
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  • 高顿内部名师讲义
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摘要:点击免费领取: ACCA学习资料大礼包 Necessary focus points for each sitting Topics which are certain to be examined in each sitting (about 80-100 marks) ① Ethical/professional/practice is...


  Necessary focus points for each sitting
  Topics which are certain to be examined in each sitting (about 80-100 marks)
  ① Ethical/professional/practice issues: (15 marks)
  -Ethical issues: independence threats and safeguards;
  - Professional issues: auditor’s professional liability under statute law and tort law;
  - Practices issues: advertising, tendering, publicity, obtaining professional work and fees, professional appointments, quality control
  ②Identification and explanation of audit risk or/and business risk (15 marks)
  ③Specific accounting issues about items in FSs, i.e. evaluation and review (i) (ii) (iii): risks, materiality, specific accounting standards, audit procedures, impact on audit report. (40 marks)
  ④ Audit-related service or other assurance service: interim financial information review; due diligence; PFI; forensic auditing; social and environment auditing; internal auditing. (10 marks)
  ⑤Group auditing: (10-15 marks)
  Other areas which are likely examined
  ①Regulatory environment: corporate governance code; money laundering; law and regulations
  ② Current issues and development: auditor’s responsibility about these issues
  Detailed topics and questions for 2015.12 sitting
  ①Money laundering and PFI - 2014.6 Q2
  ②Going concern, ethical issues, audit opinion and report – 2011.6 Q2;
  ③Construction contract, discontinued operation, related party transactions – 2011.6 Q1
  ④Audit risks of consolidated financial statement, reliance on audit work of components, associates, grant – 2010.6 Q1
  ⑤Group audits, joint audit and transnational audit - 2012.12 Q2; 2009.6 Q2
  ⑥Audit report, emphasis of matter paragraph and other matter paragraph – 2010.6 Q5
  ⑦Other specific accounting issues: share-based payment; borrowing cost; government grant; employment benefits; segment reporting; deferred tax


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