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国际注册会计师 P3科目主要讲什么内容?
  • 2016年06月22日
  • 10:16
  • 作者:高顿财经
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摘要:点击免费领取: ACCA学习资料大礼包 ACCA P3科目介绍: P3《商业分析》主要围绕的是三个部分进行讲述: 1. 战略定位。运用相关预测技巧对现有环境和将来...



  ACCA P3科目介绍:
  1. 战略定位。运用相关预测技巧对现有环境和将来环境的战略定位进行分析;主要关注的是企业的外部环境、内部能力和期望;
  2. 战略选择。战略选择关注的是企业未来的决策,以及应对现有和将来战略定位影响和压力的方式;
  3. 战略实施。战略实施关注的是战略选择的实施和转变战略选择为公司行为。这些行为包括在业务过程重组、信息技术、项目管理、财务分析和人力资源这几个方面。
  ACCA P3科目关联性:
  P3《商业分析》是运用相关的商业模型对企业进行战略定位、战略选择和战略实施。P3 与之前学过的F1、F5 课程直接的联系,F1、F5 有些内容是在P3 这门课程中得到完整讲述。P3 的有些内容和F7、P5 有间接联系。
  ACCA P3科目考试形式:
  P3 的考试时长为3 小时,分为两个部分,A 部分一道题50 分为必选题;B 部分共有三道题每道25 分,可以任选两题作答。

        kaplan ACCA P3科目考试技巧:
  ACCA P3 Business Analysis Paper Exam Tips for September 2015 Session are given below by famous tuition providers
  Embed your knowledge on the core models from Johnson and Scholes (the examiner based this paper on their work).
  When answering questions, write answers like you are writing to your senior management. Make it as professional as possible. Marks are allocated to this in section A.
  Do not start writing answers straightaway. Take a minute to think about the structure and presentation of the answers.
  It is important with this level to remember that writing lots of knowledge and theory will not get you through the exam. The key is application to the material and expanding the relevance to the scenario.
  We suggest watching the news / reading the papers, but with a critical eye. For instance when you see that a business has launched a new product or moved into a new market think about the theories you have learnt that may be relevant. In this case it could be:
  Porter’s generic strategies
  Bowman’s clock
  Then apply those theories to the real life situation – understand why they have created this product/why they have gone into this market. With practice you will find it easier to apply the theories to the scenario.
  And of course you can do this for other areas of the syllabus.
  There is nothing worse for a marker than getting a script which is just a page of writing. Try to think about making your script easier to read for the marker. Headings and Sub-headings along with a bit of space will help. Then use your paragraph to explain the point you are making.
  If it is easy for the marker to see the points being made this can make the difference between pass and fail for a borderline script, include application, plus relevance within your statement, avoid listing.
  If you use the word ‘and’ in your answer, are you making two separate points? If yes, maybe you need to split your paragraph into two headings / sub-headings.
  There are 3 professional marks which will constitute professionalism, presentation and layout.
  Know the theory and apply it.
  Create mindmaps of the key knowledge, then learn these.
  Do practice questions under timed conditions and if possible, get them marked.
  Make sure you’ve read all the current examiner articles, available on MyKaplan or the ACCA website.
  Get good business awareness – read a quality newspaper.
  Use the reading time to select questions, and get frameworks for answer plans.
  Do a section B question first.
  Don’t focus on the numbers – do not spend more than 15 minutes on them per question.
  Watch the clock – allocate your time efficiently – don’t overrun.
  Layout your answers in a way that the marker can clearly read and understand.
  Read the question carefully!

        ACCA P3科目复习方法






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