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ACCA P3考试常见问题
  • 2017年05月15日
  • 14:02
  • 作者:高顿财经
  • 来源:高顿财经
  • 阅读:(87)
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摘要:立即下载 2017年ACCA考试**资料 !ACCA考试必备! Q.Do I need to learn all of the models? A.Yes,you need to know the models in order to apply them to the scenario.You should know how to dra...

  Q.Do I need to learn all of the models?
  A.Yes,you need to know the models in order to apply them to the scenario.You should know how to draw them(although a diagram is unlikely to gain any marks it can be a useful structure for a plan)but more importantly how to apply them to case.
  Q.How to I get business awareness?
  A.Read a quality newspaper,watch the news and listen to BBC Radio 4.
  Q.What models should I use in the exam question?
  A.Always start with common sense and then see if you can turn a common sense answer towards application of a model.For example,an issue for most businesses is competition.This means using 5 forces and see if the case study gives a clue to whether there is a threat of new entrants and if there are barriers to entry in place.
  Q.How do I start answering a question?
  A.Always start with identifying what the question is asking of you and not what you know!
  Disclaimer:ACCA Exam Tips provided from famous tuition providers may be amended to make them easier to understand and read.We try our best to provide everything that is provided to us but we cannot guarantee that this information is 100%accurate.Exam Tips are just intelligent guess and must not be relied totally.Do full preparations of your subject to pass it.


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