  • 赖晓霞 感谢ACCA让我看到这个更大的世界,并且更好地和这个世界融入在一起。也想小小地谢谢自己,在ACCA的道路上

  • Cecilia 与其说学习ACCA是对自己的一种挑战、一种对决定的事情的坚持,不如说是一场蜕变,改变了生活模式、学习节

  • 沈婧菲 “投入了那么多的时间、精力以及金钱,如果只是为了未来的年薪和工作那就有些目光短浅了,因为ACCA可以带

  • 李青 在6月的ACCA考试中,来自上海财经大学的高顿学员李青一次性通过P2、P4、P5三个科目,成功挑战了在2年4次考试

  • 陈嘉雯 学习的路上并不是孤单的。多跟一起学习ACCA的同学联系,会更新你的学习方法,省去很多钻牛角尖的无用功。

  • 陈娜 决定学ACCA就是吃苦的,现在回想我那两个月,我感觉晚上都会做噩梦......一份耕耘一分收获,学习本来就没什

  • 成静 我非常感谢F3的实景课老师,听了几节课我就把把他封为男神了,这样的老师可以说是我学习会计生涯中遇到

  • 康思超 第一次参加ACCA考试无疑是紧张和激动的,但是自己准备是比较充分的,感谢公司提供给我们这么好的培训机会

  • 杨柳纤 同学们好,我叫杨柳纤,是大三学生,专业是国际经济与贸易。我才刚刚开始学ACCA,从3月份开始学习F123,

  • 张卉 我的ACCA之路终于走完,真的好不容易,真的值得珍惜、怀念。ACCA,它让我的青春变得充实,它让我的视野变

ACCA F6考试常见问题

时间:2017年05月05日 14:32

  Q.Why don’t I include all NS&I interest in the income tax computation?
  A.National Savings Certificates are exempt from income tax and should be noted as such and excluded from the computation.NS&I easy Access Accounts and NS&I Investment Accounts are paid gross and should be included in the computation as the amount received.
  Q.What are the core areas I need to learn?
  A.You can find this at the front of the Kaplan Complete Text or on the ACCA website,but generally these are Income tax,corporation tax,capital gains tax,VAT and inheritance tax.
  Q.How much work do I need to do?
  A.Enough for you to feel confident on the day,I always say you don’t want to feel you’ve let yourself down due to a lack of work as that is one thing you can control!
  Q.Where can I find good practice questions?
  A.Use the Kaplan Exam Kit,complete the revision mock and attend a Kaplan Question Based Day.
  Q.Where can I access relevant articles?
  A.They are all on MyKaplan or the ACCA website.Ensure you look at articles updated for the current Finance Act.
  Q.Are proformas important?
  A.Proformas are vital to success in this exam.The examiner will be expecting you to use the correct layout for each question.If he has to search through your question paper for the answers,this will not improve his disposition.For adjustment of profit,ensure you put‘0’if the amount is allowable.
  Besides which,proformas give you the student,an easy way to remember the key elements of each individual tax.My advice?Write the individual pro-forma on a separate piece of paper,and adorn your room with them.Seeing them every day,will help cement the format in your minds.
  Q.Do I need to remember all the loss section names?
  A.In short,no.The examiner has stated no section numbers are required at all for loss relief.Explain what you are doing with the loss relief.
  Q.Can I not revise one of the taxes if I don’t like it?
  A.No!The introduction of multiple choice questions into the F6 exam means that the exam now contains 21 separate questions and you can expect all of the taxes on the F6 syllabus to be tested at each sitting.The easiest way to pass is to ensure that you have revised all areas of the syllabus prior to sitting your exam.However,please remember that a pass mark is 50%,so even if you do not feel as confident in some areas you may still pass the exam even with poor marks in some syllabus areas.





  • ACCA在线认证说明会



  • Ellen Yuan ACCA会员,新加坡CPA。 牛津布鲁克斯大学一等学士学位。 新加坡定居7年,师从新加坡和马来西亚多名会计学名师,两年内以高分一次性通过...
  • Vincent Zhao 特许公认会计师公会会员ACCA; 高顿财经研发中心主任,多年企业业绩分析管理课程教学经验,授课条理清晰! 授课经验:3年以上; 授课领...
  • Mike Jian 高顿明星讲师-Mike : 被学员称为史上最富激情的ACCA讲师; 授课经验:4年以上; 授课领域:F7(财务报告)、F8(审计)、P2(公司报告);...
  • Sheen Fu 特许公认会计师公会会员ACCA; 高顿财经最耐心、细致、帮助学员的财务讲师! 授课经验:4年以上; 授课领域:F3(财务会计)、F6(税法...
  • Calvin Ruan 特许公认会计师协会会员ACCA; 多年授课经验,总结出一套针对ACCA写作科目的独特教学方法,保持超高通过水平,深受学员喜爱。 授课经验...
  • Alvin Xu 毕业于英国伦敦国王学院,会计硕士学位; 曾供职于私募股权基金公司、 伦敦商业金融学院,现就职于四大会计师事务所KPMG; Alvin 作为高...
  • Eric Zhao 英国特许公认会计师公会会员ACCA。毕业于英国圣安德鲁斯大学,金融学 硕士。曾先后就职于大型企业集团的投资银行部,证券公司的董事会...
  • Kathy Wang 中国注册会计师CPA,博士研究生,毕业于国内知名大学。具有5 年以上 ACCA 管理会计相关课程的教学工作,对F2、F5、P5 的课程教学有深入的...
  • Lili Han 特许公认会计师公会会员ACCA,英国利兹大学国际金融专业硕士,在中国 上海和英国利兹及曼彻斯特累计超过5 年会计及会计相关经验,主要...
  • Ms Chen 国内少数英国商法及经济法专家,持证中国注册律师,自1988 年开始就在 某国内知名大学负责国际商法经济法教学。多次在该校被学生评选...